Janet Nodar

Janet Nodar has been a writer since realizing, in elementary school, that she could not just read all day. She has published literary and genre short fiction and freelanced as a business and lifestyle reporter, eventually building a career as a reporter and editor for the Journal of Commerce, a trade publication covering global shipping. She holds degrees in finance and in creative writing from the University of South Alabama, where she taught comp and rhetoric.
10:00 am to 11:00 am
State Capitol, House Committee Room 3
The Best of the Shortest: Short Fiction
with Joe Formichella, Suzanne Hudson, Bev Marshall, Janet Nodar, Theodore Pitsios, Dayne Sherman, and Karen Spears Zacharias
11:15 am to Noon
Cavalier House Books Tent
Book Signing

The Best of the Shortest: A Southern Writers Reading Reunion