Karen Spears Zacharias

Karen Spears Zacharias is an American writer whose work focuses on women and justice. She holds an MA in Appalachian Studies from Shepherd University and an MA in Creative Media Practice from the University of West Scotland. She lives at the foot of the Cascade Mountains in Deschutes County, Oregon. Zacharias taught First Amendment Rights at Central Washington University and continues to teach at writing workshops around the country.
10:00 am to 11:00 am
State Capitol, House Committee Room 3
The Best of the Shortest: Short Fiction
with Joe Formichella, Suzanne Hudson, Bev Marshall, Janet Nodar, Theodore Pitsios, Dayne Sherman, and Karen Spears Zacharias
11:15 am to Noon
Cavalier House Books Tent
Book Signing
12:45 pm to 1:45 pm
State Capitol, House Committee Room 2
Coming of Age: Exploring Otherness in Fiction
with Dawn Major, Karen Spears Zacharias, Susan Beckham Zurenda, and moderator Mary McMyne
2:00 pm to 2:45 pm
Cavalier House Books Tent
Book Signing

The Best of the Shortest: A Southern Writers Reading Reunion

No Perfect Mothers